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9618FHW-3AML-165ML-170PBL1pear-248FpearlCPR-5wave-505wave-506wavexmp-1001Awavexmp-1002wavexmp-1003wavexmp-20079509WAVE: XMP2021FY3PT463CNEW MICAWAVE: XMP 2026wave: xmp-4003PP22509611TFY2FWH-6ML-905ML-9039618EML-176PEARL: YP1PEARL: P272ML-180PEARL 212wave:507wave: xmp-4001wave: xmp-2005wave: xmp-2046Wave: xmp 1001wave: 503501PP5250ML-165 MILK & HONEY TRANSPARENTPEARL PBK-2XMP-1003XMP-3001XMP-1004XMP-3003XMP-2004XMP-2006XMP-4004XMP 3002XMP-4021PEARL CPR-5213PEARL 222PWH-62PEARL 246215-3P272209ACF4PEARL 245PEARL 211MBR30EPBL-1PEARL 234Pearl 248FPEARL 235PEARL 216PEARL 220FWH-1508507506505504502247210209


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Alabaster sheets are casted from acrylic resin and feature a colored swirl pattern throughout the sheet. This stone looking product is light, transparent and malleable so you can cut, router and finish. The pattern is an integrated part of the sheet’s surface, rather than a topcoat or finish. We are proud to offer Alabaster sheets in a variety of colors and patterns. Patterns may vary by color way.